Railways without delays and accidents

Railways require the highest level of security, as the consequences of accidents are often tragic. We focus on critical places such as level crossings and single-track lines. We are on our way to a fully autonomous train operation.

Warning about the level crossing, its condition and the approaching train

The system provides information to drivers approaching the level crossing. The distance of the warning from the crossing can be set according to the specific situation. The warning also includes information on the status of the warning lights and the distance of the arriving train.

The system can provide the same information to the train driver.

Key benefits

  • Increased safety on railway crossings
  • Prevention of injury and damage due to the information passed to the train driver

Vehicle in the crossing area with barriers

When the vehicle gets stuck in the area between the bearriers, the driver is shown information on how to deal with the situation - "Railroad crossing in the warning - Break through the barriers!"

Key benefits

  • Avoidance of collision of a train with a vehicle at level crossings
  • Minimization of time for handling the crisis by the driver

Informing the train driver of the operating conditions on the railway

Based on the position of the train and the restrictions on the track, the system can provide the train drivers with information that they are approaching a restricted section, e.g. with a mandatory slow ride.


Key benefits

  • Increased railway traffic safety
  • Reduction of the moment of surprise
  • Displaying the last known instructions about the railway traffic

Section occupancy warning

Based on the position of the trains, the system constantly evaluates the occupancy of individual sections and provides train drivers with constantly fresh information about the railway, including information on whether the section in front of them is free. The driver gets a much better chance of making the right decision in a critical situation.

Key benefits

  • Avoiding a train accident with another train
  • Provision of additional data to train drivers


The system enables other extended functions, such as automation of processes during the formation of a route, identification of trains in depots, communication with systems at train stops, etc.